Folkpartiet - Masorti synagogan och politik mot majoriteten ej Masorti barndaghem om de visste


Masorti folkpartiet


Man skall inte ha en ''värdegrund'' som utgångspunkt.....för skolan på det sätt som Sverige har. Inget annat land (förutom Norge) har detta. 

''Alla partier helt eniga...i all kritik....''-- Andreas Norlén (Vad är detta......?)
Sveriges politiska elit, representerar definitivt inte majoritetsbefolkningen, på ett enda sätt. De är bara där för sin egen nyttas skull. 
(I Stockholm, likledes)
Zionismen är inte judendom, det är dock en 


''MERCAZ Olami is the Zionist organization of the world Masorti/Conservative Movement. We promote and support Zionist education, Israel programs and aliyah in our movement and work to enhance the quality of Jewish life in Israel. We believe in the centrality of Israel in the life and consciousness of the Jewish People and the unity of the Jewish People wherever they may live.''

Masorti Europe - Masorti Olami

Masorti Olami. Follow Us. Home » Events » Masorti Europe. Masorti Europe. Facebook · Twitter · Email · Print. Related Content. Brussels 2013. June 4, 2013.

David Kraus | Limmud Stockholm

... Teplice JC, Hakoah Czechia, Jewish Veterans and Partisans Union, Masorti Olami, Jewish Salons and the League Against Antisemitism. He is on the advisory ...


Information om judendomen -

"Du skall inte hysa hat till Din broder i Ditt hjärta, Du skall älska Din nästa som Dig själv". Detta citat ur 3:e Moseboken är centralt i judendomen. Tron på att det ...

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11 dec. 2012 - Själv är Ricki Neuman på väg till sin fritidsbostad i Tel Aviv. Han betecknar sig lite ironiskt som en ”har-lägenhet-i-Israel-jude”.


Masorti Olami - Where Tradition and Modernity Meet

Masorti Olami. Follow Us. Ukraine Purim Campaign. Annual Tribute Event ... New MERCAZOlami President. Dr.Stephen Wolnek Z"L. Annual Tribute Event 2015.

Mercaz Olami - Masorti Zionist Organization

Masorti Zionist Organization. ... MERCAZ Olami at the Argentinian Parliament. Prev. Next. New MERCAZ Olami President. Dr.Stephen Wolnek Z"L. 37th World ...

Marom Olami - Young Adults - Masorti Olami

MAROM – an acronym for “Mercaz Ruchani u' Masorti”–the Center for Spiritual ... The international office of MAROM Olami is in Jerusalem with MAROM centers ...

Masorti Olami Staff - Masorti Olami

Born in Israel, Rabbi Tzvi Graetz (הרב צבי גרץ) is a second generation Masorti ( Conservative) Jew who has spent his career working to build and promote Israel's ...

3. Jahrgang Nr. 10 / 31. Oktober 2013 | 27. Heshvan 5774

Der dritte Weg

Konservatives Judentum strebt größere Rolle in Deutschland an

Von Brigitte Jähnigen

Wenn am 17. November 2013 das Zacharias Frankel College für die Ausbildung von konservativen Rabbinern an der Universität Potsdam eröffnet wird, wird damit nicht nur an den Namensgeber erinnert. Rabbiner Frankel (1801–1875) hatte im 19. Jahrhundert mit der Eröffnung des Jüdisch-theologischen Seminars in Breslau die Grundlage für ein „positiv-historisches“ Judentum gelegt (siehe „Zukunft“ 9/2013). Es sollte die Erkenntnisse der Aufklärung und den Lebensstil der Moderne versöhnen mit den Bräuchen, Werten und Gesetzen der jüdischen Tradition. Weniger reformbereit als das damalige liberale Judentum, aber reformwilliger als die Orthodoxie nannte sich diese Strömung in Deutschland bald „konservativ“. Ihre größte Anhängerschaft hat sie heute in Nordamerika.
Es ist deshalb auch kein Wunder, dass das Rabbinerseminar der in Los Angeles ansässigen American Jewish University mit dem Zacharias Frankel College eine deutsche Dependance an der Potsdamer Universität etabliert. In der „Ständigen Studienkommission für das jüdisch-geistliche Amt“ will das neue College künftig gemeinsam mit dem liberalen Abraham Geiger Kolleg das wissenschaftliche Studium am „Institut für Jüdische Theologie/School of Jewish Theology“ der Universität planen. Außerdem wird das Zacharias Frankel College die praktische Ausbildung seiner Rabbinerstudenten organisieren.
Das konservative Judentum ist in Deutschland keine unbekannte Größe mehr. 2002 ist diese Strömung mit „Masorti e.V. – Verein zur Förderung der jüdischen Bildung und des jüdischen Lebens“ erstmals auf den Plan getreten. Masorti bedeutet im Hebräischen „traditionell“. Außerhalb Nordamerikas ist der Begriff die offizielle Bezeichnung für Gemeinden, die zum internationalen Zusammenschluss „Masorti Olami“ gehören. Einer der Vertreter dieser Bewegung in Deutschland ist Dr. Daniel Katz, zugleich Rabbiner in der Synagoge Weiden. So wie andere nicht-orthodoxe Rabbiner gehört er der Allgemeinen Rabbinerkonferenz (ARK) an.
Auch Rabbinerin Gesa S. Ederberg ist Mitglied der ARK. Sie ist heute die Rabbinerin für die egalitäre Masorti-Synagoge in der Oranienburger Straße. „Wir sind offen für religiös gemischte Familien und für Kinder jüdischer Väter“, sagt sie. Der Gottesdienst sei dem orthodoxen ähnlich, mit hebräischer Liturgie und mit Gesängen ohne Instrumentalbegleitung. Männer und Frauen seien aber gleichberechtigt. Vor elf Jahren hat Ederberg den Verein in Deutschland gegründet und damit eine weitere Stimme unter dem Dach der jüdischen Einheitsgemeinde zur Geltung gebracht. 2004 hat sie dann in Berlin den ersten Masorti-Kindergarten gegründet. „Innerjüdische Vielfalt sehe ich als etwas sehr Positives“, erklärt sie. Das Judentum sei schon immer vielstimmig gewesen.
Mirjam Rosengarten ist Gabbait in Rabbinerin Ederbergs Synagoge. 1980 kam die Hebräisch-Lehrerin mit ihrer Familie von Israel nach Deutschland. Und irgendwann suchte sie eine Synagoge, in der sie sich wohlfühlen konnte. „Rabbiner in Reformgemeinden haben die Neigung, alles zu vereinfachen“, findet sie, „das war nichts für mich.“ Ihre Rolle als Gabbait versteht sie als „Brücke von der Synagoge zur Gemeinde“. Sie habe auch zu organisieren, wer im Gottesdienst welche Abschnitte aus der Tora lese. Ein Blick in den aktuellen Kalender zeigt: Es sind vor allem Frauen, die das tun. „Frauen sind sehr aktiv bei uns, sie treiben die Masorti-Bewegung voran“, sagt die 70-Jährige.
„Masorti sucht den mittleren Weg zwischen der äußersten Orthodoxie und dem Reformjudentum“, beschreibt Rabbiner Katz den Platz dieser Strömung. Die Tradition werde gewahrt; das Judentum sei aber immer ein Gespräch zwischen der Vergangenheit und der Zukunft gewesen. „So wird die Verbindung zu allen Juden in der Vergangenheit gehalten und die in die Zukunft geschaffen“, ist er überzeugt. Doch mit dem Fortschreiten der Zeit gebe es auch Veränderungen. Seit 1985 werden im Konservativen Judentum auch Frauen zu Rabbinerinnen ordiniert. Das wird auch für das deutsche Zacharias Frankel College gelten. „Wir wollen Frauen nicht diskriminieren“, sagt Katz. „In unserer Synagoge in Weiden tragen sie Tallitot und sind zum Lesen aus der Tora zugelassen.“ Außerdem, ergänzt der Rabbiner, seien in Weiden beide Gabbaim weiblich.
Im Unterschied zum Progressiven Judentum ist für die konservative Masorti-Richtung die Halacha bindend. Es wird deshalb auch religionsgesetzlich begründet, warum es Rabbinerinnen geben darf und wann es erlaubt sein kann, am Schabbat mit dem Auto zur Synagoge zu fahren. „Masorti fördert den lebendigen halachischen Prozess“, argumentiert Rabbinerin Ederberg. Neben der Einhaltung traditioneller Werte wie Schabbat und Kaschrut nehme die halachische Debatte auch aktuelle Herausforderungen in den Blick, etwa den Umgang mit neuen Medien, ökologische Verantwortung oder soziale Gerechtigkeit.
Als traditionell, konservativ oder sogar Masorti beschreiben auch andere Gruppen und Gemeinden ihren Standort. Die Berliner Synagogen Fränkelufer und Rykestraße zum Beispiel nennen sich beide konservativ und grenzen sich damit ausdrücklich von den orthodox geführten ab. Sie sind aber nicht egalitär und nicht Mitglied von Masorti. „Interessant ist, dass junge Leute auch in Berlin ihr jüdisches Leben traditionell wünschen“, sagt Dr. Hermann Simon, Direktor der „Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin – Centrum Judaicum“ und Beter in der Rykestraße. Sie kämen verstärkt zu dieser traditionellen Synagoge, ohne streng orthodox zu sein. Gerade deshalb fühlten sie sich hier wohl. Simon würde sich wünschen, wenn in seiner Synagoge, in der er 1962 Bar-Mizwa geworden ist, „endlich Frauen und Männer zusammensitzen“. Seinen Wunsch sieht er aber im Augenblick in weite Ferne gerückt.
„Derzeit gibt es in Deutschland drei anerkannte Masorti-Gemeinden“, betont Rabbiner Katz: die Jüdische Gemeinde Weiden in der Oberpfalz, die Jüdische Gemeinde Oldenburg und die Synagoge Oranienburger Straße der Jüdischen Gemeinde zu Berlin.

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Der wichtigste Standort der konservativen Strömung des Judentums sind die Vereinigten Staaten. Dort wird die Mitgliederzahl konservativer Gemeinden mit rund einer Million beziffert. In Israel gehören rund 50.000 Menschen den insgesamt rund 60 Masorti-Gemeinden an. Bei einer jüdischen Bevölkerung von sechs Millionen ist das keine überwältigende Zahl, doch muss bedacht werden, dass nicht-orthodoxe Strömungen vom Staat nicht gefördert werden.
In Europa erkennt die Masorti-Bewegung 30 Gemeinden an, 14 davon in Großbritannien, 5 in Frankreich, jeweils 3 in Deutschland und Spanien sowie je 1 in den Niederlanden, Portugal, Schweden, Ungarn und der Tschechischen Republik. Einige konservative Gemeinden gibt es auch in Asien, Afrika und Australien.


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Masorti Movement

Date: September 29, 2014 | Views: 28 Category: Other

The Masorti Judaism is a stream of contemporary Judaism. Designed postulated on the basis of the positive historical Judaism by Zacharias Frankel, he maintains a scalable Halacha and is suited to the constraints of modern life while maintaining a traditional setting in particular in the areas of worship.
The movement in the twentieth century in a prime location in American Jewry, providing hands less restrictive than Orthodox Judaism, without abandoning in a total customs that Reform Judaism characterized. His middle ground, however, considerable differences between the various congregations massortites and internal divisions leading to the formation in 1963 of the Reconstructionist of Mordecai Kaplan, and twenty years later, the Union for Traditional Judaism by David Halivni. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the movement in the US seems to decline, while massortim centers are in the world.


In a historical context of the evolution towards the emancipation of the Jews, the tensions between the modern society and the lifestyle of traditional Jewish communities was exacerbated. Different currents of thought promoting Jews were born so to embrace the modernity and with the contractor to varying degrees.
West trained rabbis to the ideas of the Haskalah, attempts to Judaism and modernity in harmony. One of them, the German rabbi Zacharias Frankel in 1854 founded the first modern rabbinical seminary, combines traditional Jewish Studies and the University Curriculum Jewish Theological Seminary, Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau. This seminar was a model of its kind, was the birth of the Masorti Movement, which give as a "positivist history" and "conservative" known. Masorti is the current name in Hebrew MSR, the tradition and transmission means.
The Masorti movement is also well thought of the Reformed movement, that the rules of Halacha not binding, as Orthodox who did not accept any change to its traditional interpretation. Rabbi Frankel argued that the halacha had to be complied with, but that its interpretation should be flexible to allow for an optimum adaptation of the Jews to the needs of the time. It was the justification for this position, defined as historic and positive, in the history of Judaism, which made it clear that the law was once many different interpretations before frozen of some groups from the Middle Ages. Masorti Judaism in approach, historical research has an important role, and Zacharias Frankel club historian Heinrich Graetz in the founding of the rabbinical seminary in Breslau.
The seminar Breslau founded by Zacharias Frankel a very strong influence on the European Jews and many rabbis from across Europe their training, including some German rabbis of the French Consistory. But when the seminar created a state of mind, it does not create an organized movement. The seminar Breslau became a model for other rabbinical seminaries, including the Budapest seminar who are working, kept up to date so far originally Hungarian Neolog and was. So that the spirit of Wroclaw, that Judaism, both traditional and modern, dominated in all a part of European Jews from the Holocaust.
It corresponded to Judaism as a thinker Franz Rosenzweig, who influenced much thought Masorti.
The Masorti movement was actually organized under the name of Conservative Judaism with his presence in the United States of the restructuring in 1902 by the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York Talmudic Rabbi Solomon Schechter luminary of European origin, marks came revival of American Jewry rapidly growing population due to the large waves of immigration from Eastern Europe.
Rabbi Solomon Schechter able to attract large number of researchers and Jewish scholars of the time, and so the Jewish Theological Seminary has prestigious academic Jewish institution for several decades. The teacher at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America were the most well-known are: Solomon Schechter, Louis Ginzberg, Alexander Marx, Saul Lieberman, Haim Dimitrovsky, Mordecai Kaplan, Simon Greenberg, Chaim Potok, David White Halivni.
The conservative notion of desire, keep the rules of governance as Halacha, Jewish life and traditional rites contrary to the movement of Reform Judaism. The name of the Masorti, derived from the Hebrew is outside the United States, where the movement has some 840 municipalities preferred massoret. It is available in the US, Europe and Israel.


Commitment to Halacha: The Masorti movement believes that the spiritual basis of the observation of the ritual and ethical mitzvot and halacha is an essential part of the observance advocated by the Torah. For the Masorti movement, there is a religious duty to respect the system of mitzvot. Nevertheless, the Halacha is dynamic in itself and changes. We must always consider its compliance with the new socio-historical contexts. Therefore, the Masorti movement opposes to conservative views Halacha and holds a number of important issues will be discussed, but in a new perspective on the old base. The Masorti Judaism is committed to compliance with the various ceremonial rules: Shabbat observance, kosher, various synagogaux and family rites. It is a US-Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, Rabbinical committee that is responsible since 1920, to rule on matters of Halacha; the committee has numerous Responsa on a variety of topics. Part of these Responsa translated into French and on the website

Judaism and feminism: So, in line with the dynamics of Halacha to reflect the position increasingly active women in society, the Masorti movement tends to provide them greater representation and accountability in the religious and social life; in the Masorti synagogues, the offices are mixed and women on an equal footing with the reading of the Torah. Since the 1980s there Masorti rabbis women. In 1985 Rabbi Amy Eilberg the first female rabbi in the Masorti Judaism. Since then, 187 women were ordained rabbis movement. However, this is not unanimous motion and there are some Masorti Synagogues refuse egalitarianism and women's ordination.
The debate on the status of women in Judaism has a lot of discussion within the movement Masorti raised. A considerable literature on the subject, particularly in the area of ​​Halacha where dozens were responsa written by the Masorti decision. The Masorti movement has also tried to prevent the problem of Agunot and advocates the introduction of a clause in kedouchin investigate possible to cancel it. The Masorti movement for divorce in the usual manner is observed with the submission of written as necessitated in the Halacha.
Approach of Judaism: The freedom of conscience and expression is a fundamental and inalienable right and duty, intellectual integrity, the use of modern scientific methods accepted in the traditional texts approach, and the free review of standards and ideas is encouraged. This gives a current Masorti rabbi spiritual freedom and sound. A Masorti rabbi training, integrated the historical and archaeological research. The Masorti movement has created several academic research institutions of Judaism and maintains close relationships with universities.
Humanist Vision: The Masorti movement to his humanist vision of Judaism promotes friendly relations and mutual support with non-Jews, and as opposed to assimilation. It is in promoting interreligious dialogue will involved. Rabbi Abraham Heschel was at the forefront of the dialogue with the Church of Vatican II and approach in this direction met the Pope. In France, the Rabbi Krygier Rivon has the first rabbi was officially invited to speak at a conference at Notre Dame de Paris.
On the issue of conversion to Judaism, the Masorti movement believes that natural and positive phenomenon and does not try to hinder candidates for conversion to Judaism, while the. The application of a standard for classical Halacha in the conversion process
Zionism: On the question of Israel, the Masorti movement supported Zionism in the late nineteenth century, as a legitimate expression of the historical Judaism and the rights of the Jewish people to self-determination to see it. It supports the integration of new immigrants efforts but takes no position on security issues, to share the Israeli democracy and to mix shows a clear desire not religion and politics in line with the principles of modern democracy.

Organization of the movement

The Masorti movement is worldwide Masorti Olami unified representation associated communities in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Masorti Olami brings together a number of smaller national and regional organizations, including:

  • The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism in the United States and Canada,
    The Assembly of Masorti Synagogues in Great Britain
  • Masorti Europe in Europe
  • Masorti LatAm South America

The International Association of Conservative Rabbis / Massortiest known as "Rabbinical Assembly; the Cantor's Assembly organizes chazanim The global youth movement Noam known;. Its North American Chapter of the North is the United Synagogue Youth.

In France

In France, the Masorti Movement has Suitable emerged in the 1980s in response to a public search for both traditionalists and looking for Judaism better for the transformation of society. The Masorti Movement is therefore between Liberal Judaism and Jewish Consistory.
The main French Masorti Congregation Adath Shalom in Paris in the 15th arrondissement, the Rabbi Krygier Rivon. The second emerged Masorti community Maayane or Nice is their rabbi since September 2009 David Touboul the Yeshaya Dalsace succeeded. In September 2009, the small group of Adath Shalom East was DorVador was in the 20th arrondissement, second Masorti community in the Paris region, including Rabbi Yeshaya Dalsace. In 2007 the town joined the Masorti movement Judaica Marseille. His Rabbi Fabrizio Cipriani Italian. Last Masorti Congregation Etz Chaim in France created in Lille.
The French Masorti movement organized an annual seminar of Jewish study, led by Rabbi Yeshaya Dalsace and ensures a year-round distance learning materials by various Jewish Internet.

In the US and Canada

The differences between the modern and traditional sectors of Judaism peaked in 1883, in the "Event Trefa" Highland House Pavilion Entertainment in the United States in the first class of the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. The adoption of the Pittsburgh Platform in 1885, rejecting the observance of ritual commandments and chosen Jewish people have created a split between the reform movement and traditional American Jews.
Rabbi Sabato Morais and H. 1886 Pereira Mendes founded the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York as a more traditional alternative to the Hebrew Union College reformists. At the turn of the century, the seminar lacked funding. This situation has been resolved through the efforts of Cyrus Adler, professor of Semitic languages ​​at Johns Hopkins University and founder of the Jewish Publication Society. Adler convinced contribute a number of wealthy Jewish reformers around each $ 500,000 on the American JTS.
The Conservative movement holds a number of rabbinical seminaries 1902 Solomon Schechter, then professor of Talmud at the University of Cambridge attends the invitation to President JTS to be. Edited by Schechter, STC's leading thinkers and professors, Louis Ginzberg, historian Alexander Marx, Rabbi Israel and Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan Friedlander has attracted. In 1913, the American Conservative Jewish movement founded the United Synagogue of America, which later became the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Conservative Judaism, while growing rapidly, so is the largest American Jewish denomination. After the Second World War, the American Conservative Judaism continued to flourish, but at a slower pace of growth. Conservative Judaism is the largest denomination in America, with 43 percent of the synagogue to conservative synagogues are affiliated Jewish families.
In 2000, the NJPS has indicates that only 32 percent of American Jews belong to a Conservative synagogue. For the first time in nearly a century, Conservative Judaism - Masorti is no longer the largest denomination in the United States. The movement has suffered two divisions: a rabbinical by splitting the Reconstructionist College and the other from the beginning traditionalist rabbis to Rabbi David Halivni founded a professor of the JTS divided the Union for Traditional Judaism.
In the years 1990-2000 was a new rabbi school, trained at the American Jewish University in Bel Air, California. Founded in 1996, the American Jewish University, the first Jewish organization be prepared on the west coast. In 2001, graduates are officially admitted as a member of the rabbinical assembly.

In the UK

The Masorti Movement has established a presence in the UK much later. The first New London Synagogue Community founded in 1964. There are now 14 Masorti communities in Britain. Most Masorti rabbi at Leo Baeck College trained.

In Israel

The first Masorti congregations in Israel were created in 1979 by American Jews. The movement now has about 50 congregations in Israel, with a membership of about 50 000 members. In addition, the movement is holding a kibbutz, Kibbutz and Moshav Hanaton Moshav Shorashim. Masorti Movement on the IDF Garinim created in the Israeli army. The movement is very active in the integration of new olim. The Israeli Masorti movement is supported by the Foundation for Conservative Judaism Masorti - Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism, because the state of Israel promotes Orthodox communities.
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22 Oct 2017